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Bringing the Birth of the Coast Guard to Life:
The story behind the story on the creation of a new 2023 documentary "Washington, Hamilton, Lincoln and the birth of the U.S. Coast Guard
Bob Pokress is a 1969 graduate of the USCG Academy. His tours of duty included serving as Navigator and Operations Officer aboard the CG Cutter Mariposa, as Commanding Officer of Coast Guard LORAN C Station Port Clarence Alaska and as the Program Manager for the construction of a [then] new class of inland Coast Guard buoy tenders.
Since leaving the service 50 years ago, Bob developed technologies for the preservation of historic documents, including at the U.S. National Archives. His research has uncovered new insights into the essential role George Washington played in the establishment of Coast Guard and the Revenue-Marine’s first commissioned cutter. Importantly, the construction of the USRC Massachusetts played a vital role in the abolition movement. Bob will present and then discuss the behind the scenes stories in his documentary, titled Washington, Hamilton, Lincoln and The Birth of the U.S. Coast Guard.